Engaged in Atlanta

I had the pleasure of photographing DeJaune and Ben, a cute couple who got engaged in Atlanta. Even though they met in high school, they weren’t high school sweethearts. Their friendship developed into a mutual attraction, then a relationship and now an engagement. I’ve always believed the best relationships start as friendships. When I asked Ben his favorite thing about DeJaune, he said “Her beautiful smile. Her whole face lights up.” I asked DeJaune the same question and she felt the same way about Ben.  You can see from the engagement photos below, they both have beautiful smiles. These two just exude love and happiness. You can tell that they really enjoy each other’s company. Who else but a playful couple who really loves each other, would play Thumb Wars during an engagement shoot. We had a great time taking photos near Atlantic Station and the Millennium Gate museum. First Date – Johnson Family Reunion Favorite Movies to Watch – (DeJaune) chick flicks, (Ben) Action. Favorite Things to Do Together – Just relax, snuggle on the couch and spend time together.  They sound like my kind of couple. Instead of spending their engagement planning a wedding, they spent their time search […]

Agnes Scott Engagement Photos

Kristen and Nick braved the sweltering summer heat to take engagement photos at Agnes Scott College, where Kristen just finished her post-Baccalaureate pre-med school program.  Agnes Scott engagement photos offer a variety of scenic backdrops with its Gothic architecture, the Alumnae Garden featuring a fish pond and much needed shade from the 100+ year old trees. Kristen and Nick were so carefree and relaxed, you’d never know from the photos that it was 95 degrees and we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes. They were great sports. I’m looking forward to photographing Kristen and Nick’s wedding at the Payne Corley House in Sept.

Lacey & Craig’s Engagement Session

Lacey & Craig braved the cold weather snap we had 2 weeks ago to take engagement portraits. It was cold, windy & rainy with the temperatures in the 40s. Lacey seemed okay in her wool coat, but Craig & I were really cold.  My fingers were frozen numb. Despite all that, we got some great images so it was worth it. I like changes in weather (one of the reasons why I left LA) so I’m not afraid to get out in it. 